
At Extra Space, we are committed to being good corporate citizens and running a company that is built to last. We achieve our goals through our ongoing efforts to improve the sustainability of our operations through environmental, social and governance best practices.

Environmental Highlights

  • 46.3 GWhs of solar production in 2023
  • 33% of REIT owned properties have solar power
  • Five consecutive years of GHG emissions reduction in our like-for-like pool
  • 4.1% reduction in GhG emissions intensity per square foot in 2023
  • 7.7% reduction in energy use intensity per square foot in 2023
  • 4.6% reduction in water use intensity per square foot in 2023
  • 79% less carbon emissions than the real estate sector average
  • 4.9 million invested in HVAC retrofitting projects

Governance Highlights

  • 2020, 2021 & 2022 Nareit "Leader in the Light" Award Winner
  • Listed on Newsweek's "Excellence Index" for best practices in business and financial growth with dedication to social responsibility and ethical standards
  • Nareit "Communications and Reporting Excellence" (CARE) award winner 2023/li>
  • 90% of board of directors are independent
  • Stockholder ability to amend bylaws
  • Annual advisory vote to approve executive compensation
  • 30% of directors on board are women

Social Highlights

  • 79% Employee Engagement Score
  • Employees donated over 400,000 means to Feeding America food banks
  • Over $50,000 in storage space donated to charities
  • DEI Scholarship Program "There's Space for Everyone" awards 8 annual scholarships
  • Participated in Project Destined internship program
  • Named by Newsweek as one of "America's Best Companies for Diversity"
  • Pay Equity: In 2023, women were paid 100% of the pay for men in similar jobs, and BIPOC employees were paid 100% of the pay for employees in similar jobs.
  • Recognized as one of the "100 Companies Championing Women in Utah" by the Utah Governor's Office
  • 92% Overall Customer Satisfaction Score
  • Named by USA Today as a "America's Customer Service Champions" company

Historical Solar Production

Extra Space has been investing in solar panels on our facilities for over a dozen years. This year we invested over $20 million into solar builds and have over a hundred installation projects in planning, development, and building phases. As of December 31, 2023, 33% of our REIT wholly-owned facilities had solar panel systems. Our solar efforts reduce our grid electricity consumption while targeting a great financial return, showing clearly how sustainability can be at the intersection of what is good for the environment, the community, and our shareholders.